8 Life Lessons from my Divorce.
Never in a million years did I imagine I would end up divorced. Marriage, kids, a life together, it seemed like I had it all. Until slowly, I realized how unhappy I was, how small I felt, and how unhealthy the dynamic was for all of us, including our kids.
Your Partner doesn’t “Just Know”—3 Ways to Express our Needs for a more Fulfilling Relationship.
Assuming our partner “just knows” is a trap.
From Shame to Love: Discover the Power of Self-Compassion
Shame whispers “I’m bad” and makes us feel unworthy, affecting our relationships and self-esteem. But what if we could replace these feelings with self-compassion? In this article, I’ll show you how to transform your inner critic into a supportive ally and heal shame through self-compassion.
4 Things Plant Medicine and Somatic Therapy Have in Common
I’ve got something mind-blowing to share with you today: the incredible power of plant medicine and somatic therapy. And guess what? They have a lot in common and can help you unlock your full potential and live the vibrant, abundant life you’ve always dreamed of!
Manifesting Respect Through Self-Care
Self-care it’s a fundamental practice for living a life of dignity and respect.
How to Keep It Real Without the Guilt?
One of the most delicate steps involves expressing our needs and boundaries. It’s a realm where authenticity meets vulnerability, and where fears of causing discomfort or resentment in others often loom large.
The Creative Potential for a Fulfilling Life
Feelling safe both physically and emotionally.
A Great Lesson from the Jungle
I just came back from a really difficult Dieta in the jungle with Grandfather Tobacco. Dieta is an ancient way to connect and learn from Master Plants, and receive their medicine in a deep and profound way. In addition to sitting in ceremonies with the grandmother medicine.
Is Solo Sex Hurting Your Relationship?
Flying solo can be an intimate, blissful, and empowered act of love, or it can be painfully isolating and disconnecting. The short answer is that it depends.
7 Signs you’re Stuck in an Anxious-Avoidant Relationship Trap.
One of the biggest challenges most people face in feeling met, seen, and loved in relationships is the unhealthy, shadow-based, and often unconscious dynamic of the anxious-avoidant trap.